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 How to use Discord an why

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Posts : 28
Join date : 2016-02-07

How to use Discord an why Empty
PostSubject: How to use Discord an why   How to use Discord an why Icon_minitimeSun Feb 07, 2016 9:23 pm

About Discord.

How do I use Discord?
First register on the Discord website if you have not downloaded and installed
Discord you can click the link button on the left of this screen once you have downloaded this software install it and login.
on the left of this screen I have provided an invite link button click that and a new window will pop up asking you
if you accept to join The Blue Rogues click accept put in the name you wish to be known as (NOTE PLEASE MAKE SURE ITS YOUR IN GAME NAME SO WE CAN RECOGNIZE YOU.) once that is done and the
launcher has loaded up you should be in the Waiting room I will give you a role so you can enter the other rooms.
Once you can enter the rooms you will be aloud to chat by voice or by text either way it's up to you I created
2 types of rooms both with the same name the chats are in sections we have a text channel and a voice channel.

Why use Discord?
Discord will be our way to communicate during Battles this will help us to be more organised as we all know
it's hard to typed and play the game at the same time so speech and hearing will be very important.

What will it be used for as well as battles?
I will be using Discord for my live streams when others win the chance to play through my live streams on my Twitch channel
and some members of my other guilds will be using it too for better communications.

Roles on Discord.
Top ranking officers on my guilds such as my society (SOC) are as follows.

Rogue-potbs (Pirates of the Burning Sea for Blue Rogue members)
Rogue-pbl (Port battle Leader for high rank Blue Rogue members)

Rogue-bsgo (Battlestar Galactica Online Blue Rogue wing members)
Rogue-sl (Squadron Leader for Blue Rogue high rank wing members)

Wild-Jacks-SC (Wild Jacks Star Citizen for Wild Jacks members)
Wild-Jacks-sl (Wild Jacks Squadron Leader for high rank wing members)

Twitch Subscriber (For paying subscribers of my Twitch channel that has won to play on a mmo on my stream live and
be in the Discord.)

See you there. Laughing
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